Mandates of social distancing, masks wearing, and sanitizing to what end . . .?
Oh they say it’s for the public good, but who is “they” that are saying this . .? They are political doctors with a political agenda . . . and if you don’t know what that is yet, well . . . I’ll cover that in another post.
Lets unpack the political doctors approach and compare that with a little “not so common” sense . . .
I’m not a doctor, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express one night . . . It’s important to understand how the immune system works which I thought was common knowledge, but apparently not. Our immune system is developed and fortified by being exposed to things that have the potential to harm the body like viruses. These exposures stimulate the immune system to develop antibodies to fight these viruses off. In fact, many vaccinations contain minute doses of the virus they are meant to protect you from, and in turn, stimulate the immune system to produce an antibody for that virus.
Early on at the start of this whole social experiment, many doctors were encouraging working towards herd immunity where our immune systems would be able to develop antibodies like it was designed to do.
How does the government response help us achieve this? IT DOESN’T . .! ! ! In fact, due to the lockdown, social distancing, mask wearing, and bathing in sanitizers, Most American’s immune systems have been neutered and are weaker now than they were one year ago before this whole thing started.
You may say that people are dying of this and you are correct but there are many facets to this that need to also be unpacked, the first of which is the fact that many of them didn’t have to die.
There have been many proven treatments for covid 19 that have been stifled, censored and discouraged by these political doctors. Why would they do that . .? Well as stated earlier that will be in another post.
Let’s look at the first one that came out when President Trump mentioned the use of Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is nothing more than the second iteration of a synthetic version of Quinine which dates back over 200 years. In fact it was the origin of the British concoction of Gin and Tonic which was a standard issue for troops in the British military to help them prevent Malaria.
Now the pharmaceutical companies can’t patent some natural, but if they can synthesize it, well that’s another story and with that they developed chloroquine in the 1920’s and as there were apparently some issues with this, they eventually developed the hydroxychloroquine.
In fact chloroquine was well documented and proven to work in the prevention of and the treatment of corona viruses as stated in the Virology Journal August of 2005, but this and dozens of other proven treatments were stifled.
By the way, the script for this “Pandemic” was written back in 2003, but with a different ending . . .
Would they really stifle a cure for a deadly disease? They have been doing it for years with cancer, so why would this be any different.
So how about those masks . . ? Early on they didn’t recommend wearing them as they could cause more harm then good. Both the surgeon general as well as Fauci but now “they” tell us to wear them . . . So for some reason they work now when they didn’t before? what does the CDC data tell us about wearing masks? I’m glad you asked . . . As you can see in the data below, 70% of the new covid cases wore mask all the time, 3.9 or 4% never wore them . . . The implications should be easy to understand. Wear the mask and increase your chances of getting sick. Don’t wear a mask and drastically reduce your chances of getting sick. By the way, the source for the chart below is
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