Too many of these career politicians have done nothing else in life but hold an office that renders their influence valuable. Many large corporations benefit through the support of the federal government. That’s where lobbyist come in . . They give politicians large sums of money to make sure they can do what they want, even if, and in most cases, it is not in the best interest of the American public.

There is much to say about this, but for now it would be beneficial to understand about the Cloward-Piven Strategy. See if this doesn’t ring a bell
As we look back, it’s not hard to see that everything these career politicians said was wrong, and yet we still believe what they’re telling us today . . .
The majority of these career politicians have had a good thing going for years. The ability to take money from the American taxpayers and put it into their own pockets by several indirect means, only a few of which have been brought to light.
In 2016 a presidential candidate came out of no where, having no chance at all for a win, and well . . . maybe he did have a chance . . .
He’s not part of the club and didn’t know the secret hand shake, and didn’t care about the money. This was a big problem for these folks that have been fleecing the system for so long. Something had to be done to make sure he didn’t get another term . . . He is going to ruin everything . . .
Well, his entire term they did nothing but a continual smear campaign which many bought into, but that’s another topic altogether.
Here we are, 2020 and coming down to the wire . . . Something has to be done to make sure he doesn’t get a second term, so after they criticized him for doing the travel restrictions, they realized that Covid was going to be the goose that laid the golden eggs for them. And they’re off . . .
Now all of a sudden, this is the worst thing to hit the country/world in the last 100 years . . . Enter the Cloward Piven strategy . . .
Our fear gives them control . . . carried out by the propaganda outlets, they painted pictures of truck loads of bodies as a result of this pandemic. Staged media events as reported by ethical hospital staff.
Then there was the testing, where anyone that fogged a mirror tested positive and was counted as another case. If you weren’t sick, they called you asymptomatic. but you were still another case they could add to the count. Never before have “asymptomatic” people been consider sick, but all of a sudden now they are . . .
Now I’ve made the mistake in assuming people know what asymptomatic means. After all, you hear it all the time now, and this is the basis of the entire lock down, mask wearing and social distancing, but alas, too few understand the term. In short, it means that you have the antibodies necessary to fight a virus and that your body is equipped to deal with it but you aren’t sick. This should be a plus . . and it is, but that’s not how they paint it this time. In the post on The Masquerade . . . you can see what the political doctor Fauci says about it.
We know that you don’t quarantine healthy people, but if you get them scared enough they will do what ever you say. It’s just one more step closer to you being a subject.
Here is where the other leg of this stool was instigated. The old adage of “divide and concur“. Remember the other one? “United we stand, Divided we Fall” How about another one . . . “You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time“. Here is where the division started, with those of us that knew we were being scammed and those that believed all the propaganda.
Then came the masks . . . I wore one at first and then I started doing more research due to the fact that other things weren’t adding up, and I suspected a good chance that masks didn’t add up either, and they don’t. For more information on masks, see The Masquerade . . .
Now with county divided and so many people so scared to even leave their homes, mail in ballots, where all the manipulation can take place, is in the bag . . .
So then comes the argument that if this is just about a US election, why is it happening all over the world? Well, that can be a multifaceted answer, but the short answer for now is that most politicians and leaders are all the same in that they all want more control, and they all recognize this as an avenue to gain what they all want. The more that join in, the easier it gets for the other leaders to remove freedoms from their subjects . . . Now the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than that, but this just scratches the surface of what they want.