The Title says it all . . . Do the mask work? Well it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and for those that have imposed the mandates, they work great . . . But those that are trying to stay healthy, not so much . . .
I know the first thing people are going to say is “you’re no doctor, what do you know”. That’s correct, I’m not a doctor, but I still have some common sense . . and I also stayed in a Holiday Inn Express one time . . .
Let’s just unpack a few things to start with. As a common thread through out many of these topics, information drastically changed as the year progressed and while some will say that it was due to the learning curve, much of the information had to do with proven facts that held true until 2020, but we’ll get into that more in other posts.
First it might be good to look at what the manufacturer of the masks has to say about the them.
Ok, just so we’re clear, we don’t need to be a doctor to understand this do we?
So then comes the argument that the masks prevent asymptomatic transmission of the virus. This assumes that we all know what “asymptomatic” means. In other words, someone with no symptoms and isn’t sick . . .
The risk of asymptomatic transmission is the basis of the entire lockdown. If it weren’t for the high risk of asymptomatic transmission, there would be no need for social distancing, masks, closing businesses or looting . . . Oh wait, that’s another post all together . . .
So, lets see what the political doctor has to say about asymptomatic transmission and the risk it poses for everyone . . .
How about the World Health Organization, what do that have to say about asymptomatic transmission?
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds
How about the Journal of the American Medical Association . . . .
Printable version of the above link. I always have a few copies to share with those who think I should be wearing a mask.
AMA September 3, 2019 N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel
So what harm can it do? At least it will make people feel better . . . How can it hurt?
I’m glad you asked . . . Global Research did just that, and researched the effects, positive or negative of wearing masks and their report can be found here.
And another one by Global Research Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
According to the Federalist, “No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.”
The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses
Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review.
The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses
CDC data also show information that’s being ignored. As the chart from the CDC shows below, over 70% of the new covid cases wore masks all the time. About 4% never wore masks. It doesn’t take a doctor to figure out that the masks are doing more harm than good.
The link for the above screen shot is here
And another report saying the same thing . . . CDC: 85% of COVID-19 patients report ‘always’ or ‘often’ wearing masks
Rand Paul: Masks Mandates Are ‘All About Submission’
Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
Denis G. Rancourt PhD April 2020 _Masks Don’t Work_ A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy_
Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Flashback 2003: Public Warned Surgical Masks Do Not Protect Against SARS/COVID Virus
Masks don’t work – a review of science relevant to Covid-19 social policy
Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks Are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral
So after all this, you may wonder why they imposed the mask mandates and the answer goes back to the Cloward-Piven Strategy where fear causes people to relinquish their freedoms and give control over to the government for political change not to mention the divide and conquer effect.
For more information see the links below,
The 2020 Fiasco . . .
Suppressing a Cure . . ?
Ivermectin . . .
The Church . . .
The Politics
Have you been Deceived . . . ?