“It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone they have been fooled”
Have you been deceived?
You have been deceived if you believe:
The 2020 fiasco was about Covid 19 . . .
Face masks should be worn by healthy non health care workers . . .
the reported numbers of people that died with covid . . .
there really is a coin shortage . . .
George Floyd was killed by the police . . .
BLM is about black people, or systemic racisms . . .
I could continue the list, but starting with this should cause you to question the rest of what you may have been lead to believe.
The first point can be covered by addressing the others and if you see the page on The Masquerade . . . it should shed some light on masks and the proper use of them.
So the reported numbers of Covid deaths . . . First of all you have to understand the difference between dying with something and dying of something. You can die with a hangnail, without dying of a hangnail. Now lets say the government is going to give you, the doctor, extra money for listing covid on the death certificate . . .
Go down the page about two thirds of the way to Comorbidities and you will see where they state that out of all the covid related deaths, that only 6% were directly related to covid, all other deaths had at least 3 other contributing factors. At the time of this writing, 12/31/2020 they are reporting 294,884 covid related deaths in 2020. Now factor that by 6% and that brings us to about 17,700 deaths. This is less than half of the annual flue deaths . . . Not to make light of this, but according to the CDC, an average of 665,381 die of hart disease every year and another 599,274 to cancer and no one seems to bat an eye . . . Perspective is everything . . .
As for a coin shortage . . . this should be self explanatory, but if it isn’t . . . Well in this information age, you may think that information is for your benefit, but it’s not. It’s all for the governing politicians that want to rule so they know has much about their subjects as possible, and if they can get rid of cash, they can not only track every transaction you make, but they can also make sure they are able to tax you every time money changes hands. So with all the other induced cluster, this seemed like a good time to try that angle as well, using the excuse that the virus can be transferred via cash. For some reason, it can’t be transferred via a card? One of the many things that just doesn’t make sense if people are willing to just think about this stuff for a second.
It’s funny that the whole George Floyd thing was dropped so quickly after the coroner’s report was released that everyone just forgot about it, but wait a minute, wasn’t this the reason for the BLM uprising and riots? I guess once it got started, they just rode the wave of “systemic racism” they were sold on . . .
As for this alleged “systemic racism”, Dave Barton of Wall Builders gives a lot more detailed history of blacks and racism than you will every hear in any school. Wall Builders has the largest private collection of historical documents anywhere. Their primary purpose is to restore and maintain the Christian heritage that our country was founded on and debunk the fecal matter that is been taught in schools for too many years.
Now if you got this far, my hat’s off to you. Most people don’t want their opinions disrupted by the facts and would rather believe what they want to believe, no matter how ill informed their beliefs may be. It would appear that you have proven that you are more interested in the truth. I would love to hear from anyone that may have learned something, and taken something beneficial away from this site. Continue to learn and challenge what you believe and in so doing, you will solidify what you believe or expose areas that may need adjusting.
The first time I heard anything about Ivermectin was a doctor’s passionate speech before the US senate in early December. Instead of me telling you what he said, it’s better if you just hear him say it . . . YouTube took it down so here is an alternate link.
This being the first I had heard, I started doing a little more research and well . . . below is some of what I found.
Over 2000 doctors, Americas Front Line Doctors, got together to share the good news about HCQ but were aggressively censored.
Would the government really suppress a cure for something as serious as Covid 19? Well they’ve been doing it for years with cancer, so why should this be any different. Having lost my first wife to cancer in 1992, I learned first hand how much of an industry cancer has become as the pharmaceutical lobbyist pay to make sure cures are suppressed. Much more money in treatment than there will ever be in a cure.
The Title says it all . . . Do the mask work? Well it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and for those that have imposed the mandates, they work great . . . But those that are trying to stay healthy, not so much . . .
I know the first thing people are going to say is “you’re no doctor, what do you know”. That’s correct, I’m not a doctor, but I still have some common sense . . and I also stayed in a Holiday Inn Express one time . . .
Let’s just unpack a few things to start with. As a common thread through out many of these topics, information drastically changed as the year progressed and while some will say that it was due to the learning curve, much of the information had to do with proven facts that held true until 2020, but we’ll get into that more in other posts.
First it might be good to look at what the manufacturer of the masks has to say about the them.
Ok, just so we’re clear, we don’t need to be a doctor to understand this do we?
So then comes the argument that the masks prevent asymptomatic transmission of the virus. This assumes that we all know what “asymptomatic” means. In other words, someone with no symptoms and isn’t sick . . .
The risk of asymptomatic transmission is the basis of the entire lockdown. If it weren’t for the high risk of asymptomatic transmission, there would be no need for social distancing, masks, closing businesses or looting . . . Oh wait, that’s another post all together . . .
So, lets see what the political doctor has to say about asymptomatic transmission and the risk it poses for everyone . . .
I’m glad you asked . . . Global Research did just that, and researched the effects, positive or negative of wearing masks and their report can be found here.
According to the Federalist, “No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.”
CDC data also show information that’s being ignored. As the chart from the CDC shows below, over 70% of the new covid cases wore masks all the time. About 4% never wore masks. It doesn’t take a doctor to figure out that the masks are doing more harm than good.
So after all this, you may wonder why they imposed the mask mandates and the answer goes back to the Cloward-Piven Strategy where fear causes people to relinquish their freedoms and give control over to the government for political change not to mention the divide and conquer effect.
For a brief history of Hydroxychloroquine, we have to go back to the early 1800’s.
The British military found that giving quinine to their soldiers, kept them from getting malaria. Quinine is a natural substance harvested from the bark of the cinchona tree that is found in South America.
It became difficult to get the solders to take it as it was very bitter so they concocted a tonic that was supposed to make it taste better, but it was still a struggle to get the solders to take it.
With that, someone suggested that they add a little gin to it and that seemed to do the trick and from that point on, gin and tonic was a standard issue for the British military.
This was confirmed by a client of mine who had just retired from the British military. He also told me that to this day, it is a British tradition to have a gin and tonic every evening.
So, going back to the page on Suppressing a Cure, you will remember the statement “follow the money”. This money trail started about 1920 as the pharmaceutical companies can not patent a natural substance, so they would have to synthesize quinine so they could make more money off of it and that’s when chloroquine was developed. Now they can make money off of it as long as they can get people to replace the quinine with chloroquine. Any wonder why you can find so much negative information about quinine . . ?
Hydroxychloroquine is the second iteration of this synthesized version of quinine, which has been used in it’s natural form for over 200 years.
Looking at the “Results” of the above article, they mention that it elevates the pH of different systems in the body. Due to the processed food and sugars that we consume, out body pH is much lower than it should be for good health. Sounds like raising body pH can be beneficial for many things. Oh, by the way . . . many types of cancer can not survive in an alkaline environment, (higher pH).
Naturally, I’m not a doctor, but it seems to make sense that if a natural substance can raise my body pH, helping in the fight against all viruses as well as other illnesses, it might be worth looking into . . . By the way, quinine is readily available over the counter in capsule form and taken by the author every day . . .
Proverbs 18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
The church is where many people turn during times of crisis, even those who may not regularly attend. Remember after 9/11, churches were filled with people. This year, albeit an induced crisis, has been a crisis, none the less. With this, once again, to increase the effect of having the American people up against the ropes, many politicians, strangely most were from one political party, decide that it was not safe for people to go to church and started putting regulations on how and if they could gather and worship.
Sanctuary: a place of refuge . . .
The same party pushing these regulations and prohibitions, are the same ones that have been violating the 2nd amendment already, so it should come as no surprise that they hold the 1st amendment in the same regard . .
This is also the same party that is promoting abortion, making it easier to kill not only unborn, but new born babies . . . If they can diminish the church as one of the biggest opponents of this movement, they will have won! So many churches have closed their doors or lost many of their regular attenders due to these needless restrictions.
Our rights, as spelled out in the constitution, are nothing but a hinderance to those who want to rule us.
This country was founded to get away from the government interfering with the church and this is the true purpose of the separation of church and state.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
It was good to see that John MacArthur gets it. Even after being threatened by governing officials, he stood his ground, and with that, he moved up towards the top of my list of favored pastors . . .
Well, you can’t argue with that, and in fact the Supreme Court also agrees. Fortunately they are still enforcing some of the constitution . . .
I know, there are many that will reference Romans 13 about being in subjection to the government but why did Paul end up in jail, Daniel in the lion’s den and three men in a fiery furnace? They all went against the government. When the choice comes between doing what God says and doing what man/government says, it should be a simple choice to make.
Hebrews 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching”. But in this case, it appears that the church just doesn’t have room for everyone. Once again, the Supreme Court has ruled that none of the induced mandates apply to the church.
Even though the choice may be simple, I didn’t say it was going to be easy.
Lets bring that forward to today. Many churches today pray for, encourage and support the persecuted church that not only meets at the risk of going to jail, but some at the risk of death and they are going against the government.
Are we willing to do what we encourage others to do? How long before we have to start meeting in secret?
If we don’t push back, they will push us as far as they can. Just this year Virginia is pushing LGBT regulations on the church . . . How are you with that?
How about the abortion laws passed by our Virginia government . . . Are we supposed to be go along with that?
As believers in Christ, and brothers and sisters in Christ, we should not let this bring division within the church, but due to the lack of understand of everything that has been going on, we have set up an adversarial environment between those who have done the research and those who just watch the news.
First we need to remember that the church is exempt from any of these useless mandates, but if you feel that masks work, by all means wear one. If your sick, you shouldn’t be in church to start with . . .
When we come into the church, we enter the sanctuary. Let’s just think about this for a second. This should be a “sanctuary” from the world. Now I’m not suggesting that we start handling poisonous snakes or anything like that, but do we not believe that God will keep us safe in His sanctuary?
There are many that don’t wear masks, and for that reason they are not going to church due to these perceived mask mandates. For this reason, church attendance is at an all time low, at a time when it should be at an all time high. There are also others that do attend and wear them by force, not through fear, and it is a relief to them to see others not wearing them.
Then there are those who attend, having done the research and don’t wear masks causing others who have not done the research, not to attend due to their perception, propagated by the propaganda outlets, that the non-maskers are just selfish and endangering everyone.
Please understand that we are being conditioned . . If they came out today and said that this virus no longer existed, people would still be wearing masks because that’s what they have been conditioned to do.
I was asked by someone in the church, how not wearing a mask would effect my testimony . . . and to be frank, it is an outward sign that I have not been deceived. Should we not, as Christians, have discernment through the Holy Spirit to rightly divide truth? Now I know that many, including church staff feel they need to wear masks even though they know the truth, but it may be time for a display of faith over fear.
Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world, but here we are . . .
The governing bodies that are imposing these mandates are not going to give us our freedom back, we will have to take it . . . and if you believe differently, you have been deceived . . .
It is my intent, in these times, to surround myself with those who are not easily deceived, as the deceptions’ have just begun and will lead further and further from the truth.
Too many of these career politicians have done nothing else in life but hold an office that renders their influence valuable. Many large corporations benefit through the support of the federal government. That’s where lobbyist come in . . They give politicians large sums of money to make sure they can do what they want, even if, and in most cases, it is not in the best interest of the American public.
There is much to say about this, but for now it would be beneficial to understand about the Cloward-Piven Strategy. See if this doesn’t ring a bell
As we look back, it’s not hard to see that everything these career politicians said was wrong, and yet we still believe what they’re telling us today . . .
The majority of these career politicians have had a good thing going for years. The ability to take money from the American taxpayers and put it into their own pockets by several indirect means, only a few of which have been brought to light.
In 2016 a presidential candidate came out of no where, having no chance at all for a win, and well . . . maybe he did have a chance . . .
He’s not part of the club and didn’t know the secret hand shake, and didn’t care about the money. This was a big problem for these folks that have been fleecing the system for so long. Something had to be done to make sure he didn’t get another term . . . He is going to ruin everything . . .
Well, his entire term they did nothing but a continual smear campaign which many bought into, but that’s another topic altogether.
Here we are, 2020 and coming down to the wire . . . Something has to be done to make sure he doesn’t get a second term, so after they criticized him for doing the travel restrictions, they realized that Covid was going to be the goose that laid the golden eggs for them. And they’re off . . .
Now all of a sudden, this is the worst thing to hit the country/world in the last 100 years . . . Enter the Cloward Piven strategy . . .
Our fear gives them control . . . carried out by the propaganda outlets, they painted pictures of truck loads of bodies as a result of this pandemic. Staged media events as reported by ethical hospital staff.
Then there was the testing, where anyone that fogged a mirror tested positive and was counted as another case. If you weren’t sick, they called you asymptomatic. but you were still another case they could add to the count. Never before have “asymptomatic” people been consider sick, but all of a sudden now they are . . .
Now I’ve made the mistake in assuming people know what asymptomatic means. After all, you hear it all the time now, and this is the basis of the entire lock down, mask wearing and social distancing, but alas, too few understand the term. In short, it means that you have the antibodies necessary to fight a virus and that your body is equipped to deal with it but you aren’t sick. This should be a plus . . and it is, but that’s not how they paint it this time. In the post on The Masquerade . . . you can see what the political doctor Fauci says about it.
We know that you don’t quarantine healthy people, but if you get them scared enough they will do what ever you say. It’s just one more step closer to you being a subject.
Here is where the other leg of this stool was instigated. The old adage of “divide and concur“. Remember the other one? “United we stand, Divided we Fall” How about another one . . . “You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time“. Here is where the division started, with those of us that knew we were being scammed and those that believed all the propaganda.
Then came the masks . . . I wore one at first and then I started doing more research due to the fact that other things weren’t adding up, and I suspected a good chance that masks didn’t add up either, and they don’t. For more information on masks, see The Masquerade . . .
Now with county divided and so many people so scared to even leave their homes, mail in ballots, where all the manipulation can take place, is in the bag . . .
So then comes the argument that if this is just about a US election, why is it happening all over the world? Well, that can be a multifaceted answer, but the short answer for now is that most politicians and leaders are all the same in that they all want more control, and they all recognize this as an avenue to gain what they all want. The more that join in, the easier it gets for the other leaders to remove freedoms from their subjects . . . Now the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than that, but this just scratches the surface of what they want.