The Biodiesel Debuted Posted by Andy on November 22, 2009 Posted in: AJ's Projects. 1 comment As so often seems to be the case, the media doesn’t always get their facts stright. [kaltura-widget wid=”ztb3o4ami8″ width=”400″ height=”365″ addpermission=”2″ editpermission=”2″ /] Share this:FacebookPinterestPrintEmail Posts navigation Rebirth of a bike… →
Biodiesel is the best alternative to traditional fuels simply because it is environmentally friendly and it wil aid our economy become less reliant on importent oil.“”*; Take care Reply
Biodiesel is the best alternative to traditional fuels simply because it is environmentally friendly and it wil aid our economy become less reliant on importent oil.“”*; Take care